Thursday, May 28, 2009

Positive quote #11

"Chance is always powerful. Let your hook be always cast; in the pool where you least expect it, there will be a fish."--Ovid

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Rune of the day - Othila

The random Rune for today is Othila. It is the 8th rune in the 3rd Aett. The following is a quote from 2 different pages here and here.

Alternative Names
Anglo-Friesian/Germanic: Othila
Norse (Viking): Odal
Old English: Odal, Ethel
Other Names/Spellings: Odhal, Odthal, Ogthala, Otael, Othal, Othala, Othalan,
Othilia, Utal
Pronunciation: Oh-thee-law

English Letter Equivalent
Long O as in old, or short O as in cot

Hereditary land, possession.

Home or homeland. Hearth, family, inheritance, estate, possessions.

Acquisition. Benefit through inheritance or birthright. Fair play. Great mental capacity. Adventurous nature. Cultural maturity. Personal skill, adaptability. Love of family, home and homeland, patriotism. The honest and just are destined for great wealth.

Othila means the ancestral country or home, property, and fixed wealth or inheritance. This can include your inherited characteristics from past generations that you will also pass on to your children – or it can represent a united family's strength. Othila can be seen as everything that you have accumulated during your lifetime, and can also represent your spiritual home.

Personal Interpretation
At this time of re-focusing, fix your goal firmly in your mind and let your thoughts attract the energy you need to reach it. You must concentrate to read all the signs, but don't try to force the issues. Your objective is like a wild bird in the palm of your hand. If you grip too tightly, you risk killing it.

A valueless inheritance. Lack of forethought, immaturity or dullness. Failure to take a calculated risk would be costly.

An apparently worthless inheritance has hidden treasures. The honest or just way may be hidden from you.

Runic Number: 23
Color: Deep Yellow
Element: Earth
Polarity: Male
Associated gods: Odin
Astrological Correspondence: Full Moon


Keyword: Separation
Duality: Feminine
Elements: Water and Fire

Imagine a young woman walking uphill along rough dirt road in medieval Scandinavia. She’s wearing a thick cloak and carries her few possessions in a small sack. At the hill’s crest, she stops and looks behind her. Tears fill her eyes and her heart aches as she takes one last look at the village that’s been her home since she was born. Her breath catches as she sees the faces of her loved ones. She takes a deep breath, wipes her eyes, and turns back to the road ahead. As she continues walking, feelings of exhilaration and excitement begin to replace her fear and uncertainty.

The young woman is leaving her home because she knows she can no longer grow there. She must now separate from her home and birth family so she can become who she is truly meant to be.

Othila counsels separating from patterns and behaviors which, though they may well-established/comfortable, are preventing growth.

It can be very difficult to leave behind what we’ve always known. Disempowering patterns established during youth – in my case, sacrificing my own growth and well-being to “take care” of my mother and sister - can be hard to overcome. Most people want the ones they love to be well and happy, including me. But I cannot truly give these things to them, or anyone else. They must decide to create it for themselves.

I will remember that my loved ones have the power to create the lives they wish to live, and so do I.


Of noticeable observation is "At this time of re-focusing, fix your goal firmly in your mind and let your thoughts attract the energy you need to reach it." I am certainly refocusing, and have been thinking about my goals lately. I will probably make an entry later about what my goals are/can be now that I'm about to graduate College.

Also while both of these definitions talk about the inheritance of things (one the inheritance of traits and seperation of them, the other the inheritance of wealth... they both differ in a few ways. I will need to figure out what's usually considered correct, or why there are two different answers... mostly for male/female polarity, and the elements. They both say different things in that regard. I will check out my awesome book and see what it says later on, and then I will report back.

Positive Quote #10

"Where there is no vision, the people perish..."--Proverbs 29:18

I'll add that this quote has been taken out of context for a while since it usually doesn't add the end. I don't add the end here either :).

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Positive Quote #9

"Do more than belong: participate. Do more than care: help. Do more than believe: practice. Do more than be fair: be kind. Do more than forgive: forget. Do more than dream: work."--William Arthur Ward

Monday, May 18, 2009

Rune of the day - Forever?

So, I've been wanting to learn the Runes for a long time. A month or two ago, I went to Phoenix & Dragon in Atlanta, and bought some. I had tried making some a long time ago, but I lost a few of the pieces, and never actually finished. I thought it would be easier to buy them to start learning. I will make my own later. I will be drawing a rune a day, until I can remember their meanings. Today I drew Pethro. The following is a description of the rune from a website.

pendant from here

This is a rune of mystery. It involves hidden things, secrets and occult abilities. Drawing this rune is a good indication that something that has remained hidden is about to come to light. Perhaps there will be a disclosure of some secret. Unexpected gains and surprises are indicated. Along side of Thurisaz, Gebo or Hagall it could be an unearned gain of money. It may mean a gift, if so, look carefully at the motives behind it. In emotional matters, Perdhro indicates extreme sexual compatibility. Though if it is found with Uruz, Kenaz or Tir, this rune describes a relationship based solely on sex. In a predominantly negative runecast, Perdhro may mean an illness that is difficult to cure. This rune may also be and indication of strong intuition or occult ability.

Perdhro Reversed
Drawing Perdhro Reversed should tell you not to expect too much now. Events won’t turn out as you had hoped. Obstacles, as well as unpleasant secrets and surprises are indicated. If you are hiding something, it is about to be revealed. Things from your past that you may be hiding ( or hid so well you forgot about them) could very well come back to haunt you now. You should exercise caution. Someone may disappoint you. Possibly a disappointment involving money. Now is not the time to loan money or make new investments (especially when it involves a friend). You may be having sexual problems. If you draw Perdhro Reversed, you should stay away from any experimentation with occult forces.

Converse: A proposition has hidden depth. Take nothing for granted. Trust only your loved ones.

Alternate Names: Pertra, Peordh
Ancient Meaning: Divination, Primal law
Keywords: Birth, wisdom, kinship, manifestation, chance, luck
Description: Mysteries will become known to you. You should be able to see your life’s path clearly at this time. Pethro is often thought of as “Gambler’s Rune.” You are in a lucky period right now. Chance is your ally. Take advantage of it.
Reversed Description: This may be a period of loneliness and stagnation you must fight through. This may not be a good time for you to take chances or indulge in any form of gambling.
Astrological Correspondence: Saturn
Tarot Correspondence: The Wheel of Fortune
Gods/Goddesses: Nornir, Frigga, Mimir
Color: Black, Silver
Tree: Beech
Herb: Aconite
Stones: Moonstone, Obsidian, Clear Quartz
Animals: Falcon, hawk, wolf, hound, water snake like the anaconda, spider, chameleon, clam, oyster, cricket, dinosaur, frog, tortoise, kangaroo
Element: Water
Magic: Perceives your fate—past, present, and future, Understands cause and effect, Perceives your future through your patterns, Understands the importance of foresight, Uses ancestral wisdom to make things work for you

"If you draw Perdhro Reversed, you should stay away from any experimentation with occult forces."

Funny that this is the first rune I pulled when I wanted to start learning... I'm pretty sure I didn't pull it reversed though, as I remember seeing it in it's rightful position. Then again, I'm just learning. Pethro is a good rune for the learning of the occult. Hopefully this will work out :P

Positive Quote #8

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”-- Winston Churchill

Friday, May 15, 2009

2 times a week? - HA HA HA...

So, I haven't lived up to my goal of this blog. As mentioned in the very first post, my goal was to post two times a week with some type of interesting content. The motivational quotes don't count towards the blog.

Fact is, however, that I've been INSANELY busy the past couple of weeks (month or two). I had my senior exit show last Friday, May 8th. It was pretty amazing, and the rest of the night afterwards was even more so. It's great to be surrounded by friends who are there solely to support you. The problem with the show, was that I had to finish my project that a month earlier was probably a month and a half behind on (if you spend normal hours on it). Thus, I spent double hours on it. Most of the days I went to bed maybe by 3am. Needless to say, I haven't had the time to update. Especially since the senior exit show wasn't my only concern. I've had a few others. One of which includes being at the doctor twice a week for 3 weeks trying to see if I had cancer or not. Thankfully no cancer. Work, senior project, doctors visits, driving 2 hours a day to/from Athens, etcetera, etcetera, meant absolutely no time to update.

I should start updating regularly starting next week. Stay tuned!

Also, a little glimpse of an idea of something I'm working on. This is NOT my work (see below for credits)

Downtown Skyline (Gotham?) from Arnold Pouteau

Positive Quote #7

“Fear less, hope more; Eat less, chew more; Whine less, breathe more; Talk less, say more; Love more, and all good things will be yours”--Swedish Proverb

Monday, May 11, 2009

Positive Quote #6

"So, then, to every man his chance -- to every man, regardless of his birth, his shining golden opportunity -- to every man his right to live, to work, to be himself, to become whatever his manhood and his vision can combine to make him -- this, seeker, is the promise of America."--Thomas Wolfe