Friday, May 15, 2009

2 times a week? - HA HA HA...

So, I haven't lived up to my goal of this blog. As mentioned in the very first post, my goal was to post two times a week with some type of interesting content. The motivational quotes don't count towards the blog.

Fact is, however, that I've been INSANELY busy the past couple of weeks (month or two). I had my senior exit show last Friday, May 8th. It was pretty amazing, and the rest of the night afterwards was even more so. It's great to be surrounded by friends who are there solely to support you. The problem with the show, was that I had to finish my project that a month earlier was probably a month and a half behind on (if you spend normal hours on it). Thus, I spent double hours on it. Most of the days I went to bed maybe by 3am. Needless to say, I haven't had the time to update. Especially since the senior exit show wasn't my only concern. I've had a few others. One of which includes being at the doctor twice a week for 3 weeks trying to see if I had cancer or not. Thankfully no cancer. Work, senior project, doctors visits, driving 2 hours a day to/from Athens, etcetera, etcetera, meant absolutely no time to update.

I should start updating regularly starting next week. Stay tuned!

Also, a little glimpse of an idea of something I'm working on. This is NOT my work (see below for credits)

Downtown Skyline (Gotham?) from Arnold Pouteau

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