Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Preheat 2009

Tickets: 45$
Gas Money: 60$
De-virginizing a friend, meeting one of the most awesome fairies, and realizing that feeling you felt was "peacefulness" for the first time in who knows how long: priceless.

Got back from Preheat last night at 9pm, left yesterday at 11-ish. I'm not going to do my normal, next minute I did that, and then this happened, and then 5 minutes later that happened post.

Here are a few of my favorite memories (in no order):
-"Ben, Stick it in... again and again and again and again."
-Peacocks meow, like really loud cats.
-Playing Frisbee.
-Staying up till 4 something on the 20th...
-Just enjoying the day Sunday, and realizing that the feeling I was feeling was peacefulness... and who knows how long until I've actually felt peaceful!
-Meeting Glowbug... she is a totally awesome faerie.
-Seeing Glowbug glow after her first time doing fire poi, and being her safety.
-Bringing my good friend Chris, after spending a year and a half or so talking about Burns. Chris getting to experience the community, art, and beauty of the PPL at Preheat.
- Realizing that my name is officially Spike, after trying to change it to Lumens, and still having 2 or 3 people introduce me to other people as Spike.
-Playing electronic drum thing at Wes' Van.
- Lemon Jelly Videos. Frontier Psychiatrist. Banana Phone but to a heavy metal band (immortal?). other trippy videos at the Wongo Video Lounge
- Passing out at the Wongo Video Lounge while watching Wallace and Grommet.
- Madagascar 2 at Hookah Lounge.
- Some old guy giving my camp Naturist Magazines.
- Trying Kava.
- Giving people my CDs - playlist @ http://lumen101.blogspot.com/
- Spending all early Saturday morning on the couches of the blazing coffee bean with Glowbug, meeting other people, and drinking Hot Chocolate.
- The O.B.E Dome... Gorilla playing drums, spinning thing, throwing discs on the head of a person on spinning thing, DJ playing Fine night tonight (one of my faves)
- Walking the labyrinth and getting ideas for an art installation on the Playa...
- Random Turkey and Peacock's walking around people's camps.
- Chris jumping in the pool (which at the time we didn't think we were allowed to)
- All the wonderful people who make burns so great.
- I'm sure I'm missing some things...
- Getting better at flower sticks, and teaching Chris some juggling methods.

In Conclusion...
The burn was most awesome. The drive wasn't a great drive, but it was mostly scenic, and not that bad. I have a hard time comparing one burn to another burn, but this burn was great; like almost all the other ones have been so far. Enjoyed hanging out with the people I got to see and meet. Chris enjoyed himself as well, which was important as he's not really an artsy type and this was his first burn. Glowbug and I got along very well in person, and she is a really cool Glowbug. We've been talking online for about 8 months, and Friday night was the first time I actually met her in person. She was at the gate when I got there, and she approached me first. Her face was opposite of a bright light, so it was covered in shadow at first, and I was like.. is that... Yay it is Glowbug! hehe.

Great burn, woot! Only 4 more months until Burning Man! BIGGER WOOT!

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